Answer4u Call Centre Blog

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David Chapman

David Chapman

David is one of the original co-founders of Answer4u. His team of highly motivated Customer Service Account Managers remit is to make our clients’ day to day requirements their number one priority. Always adaptable and with a solution based approach, we know our clients appreciate David’s wealth of experience that enables him to pass on valuable help and advice when needed.

Outsourcing Strategy: 10 Proven Steps and Best Practices

Outsourcing is a strategic approach in which businesses hire third parties or individuals to perform specific tasks on their behalf. These 10 steps will help you understand the essentials of[...]
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5 Benefits Of Offering 24-Hour Customer Service

Good, responsive customer service is an essential part of both customer retention and service provision. Businesses working standard office hours are usually accessible to customers on weekdays from[...]
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How Are After Hours Telephone Answering Services Beneficial For Small Businesses?

An after-hours telephone answering service can be beneficial for small businesses and start-ups. In this article, we explain some of the main benefits.
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24/7 Virtual Receptionist Vs 24/7 Virtual Assistant

We live in an era where communication is key for all businesses - handling your inbound communications is an essential priority, regardless of the size of your business. To help with this, consider[...]
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The Business Risks of Taking Phone Calls at Work

If you were asked to make a list of the risks which affect businesses, it’s probably safe to say that phone calls wouldn’t be anywhere on it. How could taking phone calls at work possibly be a bad[...]
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Why a Customer Service Help Desk Will Act as a Business Lifeline

David Chapman, Customer Service Director of Answer4u, considers what businesses and politicians can learn from each other when it comes to customer service...Anyone who still thinks general[...]
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Customer Service - Five Mistakes a Business Should Never Make

Looking at those themes, here are five key ways that businesses can make customer service mistakes – along with tips on how to avoid the pitfalls. For small or fledgeling companies, a knock to a[...]
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Leadership Styles and Management Practices

For many political party leaders, professional sports team managers and directors of numerous other organisations, the media spotlight is familiar ground, and people across the country regularly[...]
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What Makes an Ideal Agent at Answer4u?

When you choose Answer4u to represent your company, we know that you're placing a great amount of trust in us. Your customer satisfaction and retention depends on our company showing competence and[...]
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The Customer Service Checklist

Here at Answer4u, we're always pushing how important customer service is. Whether it's how to handle customer complaints or managing everyday calls, we feel that customer satisfaction is at the heart[...]
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