Answer4u Call Centre Blog

Check out the latest news and updates, including helpful information regarding telephone answering and call handling, from the Answer4u blog.

Darren McCowan

Darren McCowan

Darren is a renowned digital marketing strategist and social media influencer with over 20 years’ experience of developing the marketing strategies for established UK brands. Through expert industry insights, his motivation is to help businesses of all sizes keep abreast of the latest marketing techniques and technologies that will help them thrive in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

How to Record a Professional Voicemail Greeting

When your staff are engaged with other customers or your business is closed for the day, understanding that a voicemail prompt could be your business's first impression on a caller is crucial.[...]
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The 15-Point Checklist on How to Handle Difficult Callers

As a representative of your business, when you answer the telephone, evaluating the nature of the call and the characteristics of the caller you're dealing with can typically be assessed within the[...]
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Expert Call Screening Tips for Receptionists

Receptionists are often the first point of contact for a business, making their role crucial in creating a positive first impression. In today’s fast-paced business environment, managing incoming[...]
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3 Business New Year’s Resolutions for 2024

2024… it’s literally just around the corner! So, are you clear about your business New Year's resolutions? What’s your game plan for achieving those aims? And do you know what might get in the way[...]
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What’s the Big Deal About Black Friday (and Cyber Monday)?

Hands up if you love a bargain! That’s right. Most of us do. And no bargain hunter can fail to be aware of the biggest dates in the shopping calendar: Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Unless you’re[...]
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5 Reasons You Should Include an Inbound Call Handling Service in Your Next Sales & Marketing Campaign

Sales and marketing campaigns can be exciting, nail-biting, and – hopefully – rewarding. However, they can also dramatically change the volume and type of calls that your organisation receives.[...]
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3 Methods of Outreach to Get Thought Leaders Sharing Your Content

The internet is a great place to market your business, yet getting good exposure can be extremely tough, regardless of how great your USPs are. It takes a long time to build up a large following,[...]
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Why the Phone Matters in Customer Experience

Plenty of people talk about customer experience in business, but what exactly is it? Wikipedia defines it as “the product of an interaction between an organisation and a customer over the duration[...]
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Referral Program - Growing Your Business Through Happy Customers

Do you remember when the most frightening customer service ‘fact’ was that an unhappy customer will tell 15 people about their bad experience? Here’s a new one: a single tweet can wipe £1bn off a[...]
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Startup Marketing Strategy - Promoting Your Startup on a Budget

So, how should you go about promoting yourself with a limited budget? Here are four approaches to get your brand out there without emptying the bank.You’ve got an amazing product or service, so[...]
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