Answer4u Call Centre Blog

Check out the latest news and updates, including helpful information regarding telephone answering and call handling, from the Answer4u blog.

3 Methods of Outreach to Get Thought Leaders Sharing Your Content

The internet is a great place to market your business, yet getting good exposure can be extremely tough, regardless of how great your USPs are. It takes a long time to build up a large following,[...]
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Referral Program - Growing Your Business Through Happy Customers

Do you remember when the most frightening customer service ‘fact’ was that an unhappy customer will tell 15 people about their bad experience? Here’s a new one: a single tweet can wipe £1bn off a[...]
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How To Manage Your Company Reputation

Do you know what kind of reputation your business actually has? Good? Bad? Non-existent? Despite the reputation of your business being one of the most important aspects of how successful you are,[...]
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Speech Analytics and How It Benefits Your Business

It's no shock that technology is infiltrating every industry, enhancing and embellishing businesses and making the relationship with customers that much easier to develop. The biggest change experts[...]
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How the Colours You Choose Impact Your Business

The colour you choose for your business may not seem like a big deal on the face of it. Everyone perceives colour differently after all, so you might as well just pick one you like. Well, yes and no.[...]
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Split-Testing: Changes That Can Impact Conversion Rate

As a company – whether you’re an SME or a large enterprise – your online landing and service pages have one singular purpose: to bring in more business. Yet even with slick copy, elegant visuals and[...]
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4 Handy Tools to Save Time Making Your Social Media Flourish

Social media isn’t new anymore. It’s a substantial and important component to any business’s marketing strategy. And there’s a reason for this importance: being active on social media can steer[...]
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How to Build Relationships with Your Field's Digital Authorities

Digital authorities are the celebrities of your industry’s online world; your friends and family members might think nothing of their names, but, within your chosen field, their word carries enormous[...]
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How to Give Good Customer Service in the Social Media Age

When you think of customer service, perhaps you think of a desk in a shop with a smiling lady, ready to greet and alleviate any issues people have had shopping there or perhaps businesses offering[...]
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5 Steps to Finding Effective Guest Blogging Opportunities

Guest blogging allows the switched-on business owner or marketing manager to establish themselves as an expert within their field, build relationships within their industry, and ultimately drive[...]
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