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Answer4u Call Centre Blog

Check out the latest news and updates, including helpful information regarding telephone answering and call handling, from the Answer4u blog.

7 Of the Best Business Networking Tips and Techniques

If you’re thinking of finding a business network or business networking events near you, the chances are that you want to either grow or consolidate your business. Networking is a great way to make[...]
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Business Coaching and Mentoring: What Are The Benefits For Business Growth?

There are many benefits of business coaching and mentoring in the workplace. Whether you’re mentoring an employee, a colleague, or someone keen to learn from you as they set out on their career path,[...]
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Business Growth May Sound Simple – But It Means a Step Change

Growth in business can either revolve around increasing the amount of whatever you’re already doing, or it can be focused on adding new elements to your portfolio. However, whichever way you choose[...]
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Is Poor Time Management Preventing Business Growth?

Most people assume that the pesky issue of time management is ironed-out at school, and thereafter in our adult lives managing our time is a small if not completely obsolete problem. In reality of[...]
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