As a manager, you'll usually be judged by others on your team's output, so you and your organisation must get the best from them. However, one of the most important things to remember is that you[...]
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You’ve taken the plunge and launched your own business. You’ve got the IT and infrastructure all set up, you’re taking people on and building up your reputation and the contracts are flying[...]
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Many companies feel uneasy about introducing flexible working into their business. The fear is that the whole process will become too complicated and employees will lose their drive and focus. [...]
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Here’s the thing that isn’t said enough: ‘debate’ is not synonymous with ‘argue’. No doubt you will have come across this in the workplace multiple times, an argument that is masquerading as a[...]
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How many times have you had a weird business idea? And how many times have you come frighteningly close to letting it slip? Say, at a meeting? We’re guessing you held back because a huge part of you[...]
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Conflict in the workplace can be a nightmare for a business owner, not only do you have the usual day to day challenges to face, but now also a developing conflict amongst team members. Unchecked,[...]
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When you employ someone new there can often be the danger of expecting a little too much too soon. While someone may look great on paper and indeed be a highly skilled individual, by failing to put[...]
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It may come as a shock to some but by definition, workplace bullying isn’t technically defined as unlawful. Whilst harassment at work is treated very seriously (see the Equality Act 2010) bullying[...]
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Deterring the Lunchtime Thief... We’ve all been there, a little trip to the fridge - looking forward to your strawberry yoghurt for your mid-morning snack only to find it’s vanished. Poof. Gone.
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