Answer4u Call Centre Blog

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7 Of the Best Business Networking Tips and Techniques

If you’re thinking of finding a business network or business networking events near you, the chances are that you want to either grow or consolidate your business. Networking is a great way to make[...]
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10 Commercial Property and Office Space Ideas for Startup Business

So how do you go about finding the right space for your growing business? Here are a few office space ideas and pointers on the things you need to take into account. Taking your first step into[...]
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How to Get the Best Out of Your Team

As a manager, you'll usually be judged by others on your team's output, so you and your organisation must get the best from them. However, one of the most important things to remember is that you[...]
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Apple or Android: Which Smartphone Should You Go For?

With the recent unveiling of the iPhone XS and XR, many smartphone users will be considering their next purchase in the world of app-based, internet beaming mobile devices. Apple undoubtedly[...]
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There’s More to Growing a Business Than an Increase in Turnover

As your business grows, your turnover should increase, but so too will the elements needed to produce that increase, for example, the right staffing, premises, production equipment and investment[...]
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Buying a Business Property – Is It Right for You?

You’ve taken the plunge and launched your own business. You’ve got the IT and infrastructure all set up, you’re taking people on and building up your reputation and the contracts are flying[...]
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Supply Chain Risk Management – We’re All in This Together

Just as no man is an island, no business exists in a vacuum. We all rely on others to a greater or lesser extent to help us do whatever it is we need to do. In business, there is often a direct[...]
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Crisis Management – Plan for a Crisis to Avert a Disaster

The word ‘crisis’ may automatically bring with it a certain sense of dread, but with the right amount of planning for the unexpected, companies can face down crisis situations (even if only through a[...]
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Key Project Management Skills – Six Steps to Avoid the Major Pitfalls

Major governmental projects such as HS2 always seem to be hitting the headlines thanks to fears of budget and time overruns. This summer the National Audit Office (NAO) published advice on how to[...]
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Why Your Media Response Strategy Matters

Having a media response service which offers a significant return on investment is a fundamental part of your marketing arsenal. Managing and tracking how well your campaigns are running, as well as[...]
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