Emails. You come back in on a Monday morning and the first major task is sifting through the pile of emails that have landed in your inbox. Amid the meetings, calls and documents you've got piled on[...]
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In 2019, you couldn't really be blamed for sometimes thinking that the telephone is no longer a relevant means of communicating with your customers. After all, we are constantly pushed to engage in[...]
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When it comes to maintaining your corporate image, we at Answer4u know how tough it can be to find a solution that will suit your business. Our main aim is to become a seamless extension of your[...]
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Recruitment brings a whole host of problems for businesses, not least of all because it can be a highly time consuming process that doesn't always end with the desired hire. Onrec recently reported[...]
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Most people assume that the pesky issue of time management is ironed-out at school, and thereafter in our adult lives managing our time is a small if not completely obsolete problem. In reality of[...]
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Customer service is at the heart of everything we do here at Answer4u and it is also the foundations on which every successful business rests. To highlight just how important customer service is as[...]
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Any company will understand the importance of keeping an accurate business diary. Effective diary management is a key organisational tool for many businesses and can be the difference between a[...]
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A few weeks back we brought you some of the best quotes from the greatest guys in business and promised that soon enough, we’d show off the wit and wisdom of the women too. Well, that day is today[...]
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It’s that time of year when we feel like everyone could do with a boost. Summer is being its usual fickle self and the workload is on overdrive. It’s times like these where coffee and cake and[...]
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Here’s the thing that isn’t said enough: ‘debate’ is not synonymous with ‘argue’. No doubt you will have come across this in the workplace multiple times, an argument that is masquerading as a[...]
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