Answer4u Call Centre Blog

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Darren McCowan

Darren McCowan

Darren is a renowned digital marketing strategist and social media influencer with over 20 years’ experience of developing the marketing strategies for established UK brands. Through expert industry insights, his motivation is to help businesses of all sizes keep abreast of the latest marketing techniques and technologies that will help them thrive in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Business Exit Strategy: Get Ready to Reap the Rewards of Your Work

When it comes to the final phase of the entrepreneurial process – selling, transferring or retirement – it may sound like a swift ‘thank you and goodbye’, but in fact there’s a lot more work to do[...]
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Split-Testing: Changes That Can Impact Conversion Rate

As a company – whether you’re an SME or a large enterprise – your online landing and service pages have one singular purpose: to bring in more business. Yet even with slick copy, elegant visuals and[...]
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4 Handy Tools to Save Time Making Your Social Media Flourish

Social media isn’t new anymore. It’s a substantial and important component to any business’s marketing strategy. And there’s a reason for this importance: being active on social media can steer[...]
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How to Build Relationships with Your Field's Digital Authorities

Digital authorities are the celebrities of your industry’s online world; your friends and family members might think nothing of their names, but, within your chosen field, their word carries enormous[...]
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Taking Your First Steps on the Entrepreneurial Stage

The seven stages of entrepreneurship are a bit like Shakespeare’s celebrated ‘Seven Ages of Man’ from the play As You Like It – but in a world where you get to select the exit strategy of your choice.
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How to Give Good Customer Service in the Social Media Age

When you think of customer service, perhaps you think of a desk in a shop with a smiling lady, ready to greet and alleviate any issues people have had shopping there or perhaps businesses offering[...]
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5 Steps to Finding Effective Guest Blogging Opportunities

Guest blogging allows the switched-on business owner or marketing manager to establish themselves as an expert within their field, build relationships within their industry, and ultimately drive[...]
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Mobile Marketing: 3 Key Areas You Can’t Neglect

When you go out, what are the crucial possessions you can’t leave without? Keys, check; wallet/purse, check; phone…phone? Where’s my phone?! It’s incredibly likely that your smartphone is one of the[...]
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5 Ways Your Site’s User Experience is Alienating Customers

Imagine you’ve just walked into a coffee shop that you’ve never previously visited. Once inside, you find that there’s a lengthy queue, the cashier will only accept a cheque, the sugar and napkins[...]
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How Business Owners Can Market to Millennials

Millennials - those born after 1980 - are statistically seen as “unattached to organised politics and religion, linked by social media, burdened by debt, [and] distrustful of people.” The Pew[...]
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