Answer4u Call Centre Blog

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Darren McCowan

Darren McCowan

Darren is a renowned digital marketing strategist and social media influencer with over 20 years’ experience of developing the marketing strategies for established UK brands. Through expert industry insights, his motivation is to help businesses of all sizes keep abreast of the latest marketing techniques and technologies that will help them thrive in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

9 Time Management Techniques You Should Practice in the Workplace

We all seem to have our quirks around time management – whether we’re always 30 minutes early for fear of being late or are always late because we underestimate how long things will take, whether we [...]
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There’s More to Growing a Business Than an Increase in Turnover

As your business grows, your turnover should increase, but so too will the elements needed to produce that increase, for example, the right staffing, premises, production equipment and investment[...]
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Key Project Management Skills – Six Steps to Avoid the Major Pitfalls

Major governmental projects such as HS2 always seem to be hitting the headlines thanks to fears of budget and time overruns. This summer the National Audit Office (NAO) published advice on how to[...]
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How the Colours You Choose Impact Your Business

The colour you choose for your business may not seem like a big deal on the face of it. Everyone perceives colour differently after all, so you might as well just pick one you like. Well, yes and no.[...]
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4 Brilliant Types of Content Marketing (That Aren’t Blogs)

In today’s business world, customers have so much choice that the power of business really lies in their hands. We browse the internet for material we find valuable, and there are innumerable[...]
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How to Boost your Business’s Professional Image

Image is a crucial part of any enterprise, be it personal or professional. For businesses, a good image lends itself to more opportunities when networking, recruitment, investment and sales. Yet[...]
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4 Blog Boosting Ideas to Keep Your Traffic Growing

It’s common knowledge that a well-kept blog will do great things for your business and website. As we’ve outlined before, fresh content on your site is the best reason to drive new leads. Content is[...]
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How to Retain Your Social Media Following

Anybody wanting to successfully build brand awareness on social media, share their content and generally be a big deal online will have faced that one big challenge: Getting followers.
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Creating Killer Content to Drive New Leads to Your Site

One of the primary goals of any business in the digital age is to drive traffic to their website. After all, nestled within that traffic is a population of future customers. But with the sheer[...]
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3 Simple Ways Your Business Can Engage with Customers Better Online

You’re a business, you have a certain image and professionalism to maintain. That’s fine - in fact, that’s necessary, but if you stay too straight-laced, too tight-lipped, you’re apt to find you’re[...]
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