When you employ someone new there can often be the danger of expecting a little too much too soon. While someone may look great on paper and indeed be a highly skilled individual, by failing to put[...]
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Being interviewed can be daunting but being the one conducting the interview can be just as challenging. Whilst a candidate is doing their best to impress, you’ve got to do your best to spot any[...]
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YouTube boasts over a billion users, or one third of all web users, with 3 billion searches made each month and 100 hours of video uploaded every minute. It’s also the world’s second most popular[...]
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Once you’ve successfully launched your business, you can enter phase four of the entrepreneurial process – operating and monitoring. During the start-up phase you should have identified and[...]
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Authority is central to success; people need to perceive you as a credible influencer and expert source of information if they are to trust your judgement, rely upon your services, and ultimately[...]
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