Answer4u Call Centre Blog

Check out the latest news and updates, including helpful information regarding telephone answering and call handling, from the Answer4u blog.

Stuart Wilson

Stuart Wilson

Stuart has been Answer4u’s General Manager since October 2012 and draws upon his vast industry experience and business acumen to make a positive difference to the day to day running of the company. His role is as varied as it gets but his peers know that his professional yet friendly approach will always add a valuable contribution to the business and its clients.

We’re Always Here for You and Your Clients

We have a fully trained dedicated team on site in Nottingham, ready to answer your calls 24/7. Our team have all the tools and resources on hand to guarantee a professional service for you[...]
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Supply Chain Risk Management – We’re All in This Together

Just as no man is an island, no business exists in a vacuum. We all rely on others to a greater or lesser extent to help us do whatever it is we need to do. In business, there is often a direct[...]
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What is a Telephone Answering Service?

Answer4u Explains What a Telephone Answering Service Is and What It Isn’t A Telephone Answering Service is an outsourced business provider of specialist operatives who answer calls on your company's[...]
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How To Manage Your Company Reputation

Do you know what kind of reputation your business actually has? Good? Bad? Non-existent? Despite the reputation of your business being one of the most important aspects of how successful you are,[...]
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Is Poor Time Management Preventing Business Growth?

Most people assume that the pesky issue of time management is ironed-out at school, and thereafter in our adult lives managing our time is a small if not completely obsolete problem. In reality of[...]
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What Makes Our Call Centre Different?

Here at Answer4u we know that choosing a company to best reflect your own is one of the biggest choices you’ll make. This is especially true when you’re looking for an extension of your call centre[...]
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Debate V Argument in the Workplace

Here’s the thing that isn’t said enough: ‘debate’ is not synonymous with ‘argue’. No doubt you will have come across this in the workplace multiple times, an argument that is masquerading as a[...]
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The Pareto Principle and What It Means For your Business

You may not have heard of the Pareto Principle, but we’re betting you’ve heard of the 80/20 rule? This was a rule originally put forward by Vilfredo Pareto, who during a study into the relationship[...]
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When Work Colleagues Clash

Conflict in the workplace can be a nightmare for a business owner, not only do you have the usual day to day challenges to face, but now also a developing conflict amongst team members. Unchecked,[...]
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Unofficial Leaders in the Workplace

In every social setting you will find that some people are natural leaders. They are likeable, they get things done and when in doubt it’s this person that gets looked to for support. All being well[...]
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