Answer4u Call Centre Blog

Check out the latest news and updates, including helpful information regarding telephone answering and call handling, from the Answer4u blog.

7 Things You Need To Know About 24/7 Call Answering Services

To find out about 24 hour call answering and handling services you often have to wade through a lot of literature. There’s more to it than meets the eye and suppliers such as ourselves offer a wide[...]
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Finding The Perfect After Hours Call Answering Company

A quick Google search will bring up dozens, if not hundreds of virtual receptionist and call answering services, some of which will provide an after hours call answering service in the evening (5 PM[...]
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Supporting Lockdown Critical Services With 24/7 Call Answering Services

It's been a strange week for the team here at Answer4u. Most days we deal with a variety of industry calls, with no clear common denominator, but since the Coronavirus outbreak and subsequent[...]
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How Are After Hours Telephone Answering Services Beneficial For Small Businesses?

An after-hours telephone answering service can be beneficial for small businesses and start-ups. In this article, we explain some of the main benefits.
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24/7 Virtual Receptionist Vs 24/7 Virtual Assistant

We live in an era where communication is key for all businesses - handling your inbound communications is an essential priority, regardless of the size of your business. To help with this, consider[...]
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Why Are 24/7 Call Answering Services So Popular For UK Businesses?

An increasing number of businesses in the UK are using 24 7 call answering services. Virtual receptionists can answer any or all of your calls, sorting the important from the irrelevant, allowing you
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3 Steps To Finding The Perfect Out Of Hours Call Answering Service

Out of hours answering service companies offer an invaluable service, ensuring your customers are able to speak with someone who can help handle their query 24 hours a day. Every business will have[...]
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4 Benefits To Your Business Of Using A 24 Hour Virtual Receptionist

Many businesses of all sizes are overloaded with incoming calls. Whether they are genuine enquiries or cold calls, these businesses spend a large chunk of their valuable time on calls that lead[...]
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What a New Survey Tells Us about Business Phone Etiquette

What makes people do things on the phone that they would never do in front of someone in real life? From yawning loudly to sounding bored, these practices and others add up to seriously poor phone[...]
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3 Methods of Outreach to Get Thought Leaders Sharing Your Content

The internet is a great place to market your business, yet getting good exposure can be extremely tough, regardless of how great your USPs are. It takes a long time to build up a large following,[...]
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