Answer4u Call Centre Blog

Check out the latest news and updates, including helpful information regarding telephone answering and call handling, from the Answer4u blog.

3 Reasons Your Business Needs an After Hours Virtual Receptionist

During weekdays, most UK businesses close their doors between 4 and 6 PM. For those companies without a dedicated after-hours call centre – i.e. most of them – this means that any calls made after[...]
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5 Reasons You Should Include an Inbound Call Handling Service in Your Next Sales & Marketing Campaign

Sales and marketing campaigns can be exciting, nail-biting, and – hopefully – rewarding. However, they can also dramatically change the volume and type of calls that your organisation receives.[...]
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7 Reasons for a Network Disaster and What Steps You Can Take to Plan for It

Networks are the vital arteries of today’s business, but they come with a range of vulnerabilities. As increasing numbers of businesses enter the digital era, awareness about potential problems -[...]
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Disaster Recovery Solutions: Does Your Business Have A Continuity Plan If Your Phones Go Down?

Phone-based customer service is the lifeblood of many businesses, providing responsive support for their own clientele and, in some circumstances, providing an outsourced service for third parties.[...]
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What Makes a Great After Hours Call Answering Service?

There are always times when you can’t be available to answer the phone. In a world in which rigid office hours are a thing of the past, customers expect to be able to contact businesses 24/7. If[...]
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How Much Information Does a 24/7 Virtual Assistant Get From My Customers?

Getting the right information can make all the difference when it comes to customer interaction. Whether it’s to do with a sale or a query, the way that the conversation is handled is crucial. A[...]
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Why Your Business Should Be Available 24/7

In an era of remote working, 24/7 business, and service-on-demand, it can be a challenge for businesses to keep up. For many start-ups, smaller companies, and businesses, the pressure to offer[...]
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4 Common Questions We Get about Our 24-Hour Call Answering Service: Answered!

Despite the surge in popularity of emails and digital forms of communication, many customers still prefer the personal nature of telephone calls, particularly when making an initial enquiry with a[...]
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How Can Out Of Hours Telephone Answering Services Make My Business Appear More Professional?

Research shows that when it comes to making judgements about businesses, customers want a personal touch. Known as ‘relationship marketing’, demonstrating interest and care in customers by going[...]
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What to Look for in a Property Management Call Handling Service in 2022

The coronavirus pandemic did nothing to slow down the UK property market in 2021, with demand for sales and rentals remaining buoyant. With an influx of new landlords coming into the market – and[...]
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