The thing which separates the great from the good is very often attention to detail. Here at Answer4u, we strive to be the best in the industry, which is why we take a lot of time in training our[...]
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Without a doubt, customer retention is one of the most important things for a business to focus on. The reasons for a company losing customers are multi-faceted and it can be easy in the daily[...]
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This week we thought we’d do a roundup of some of the most exciting phone concepts we could find. Will they come to fruition? Is the future going to be like the movies have told us? We answer that[...]
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It’s that time of year when we feel like everyone could do with a boost. Summer is being its usual fickle self and the workload is on overdrive. It’s times like these where coffee and cake and[...]
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A great many of us, here at Answer4u, are film nerds and it occurred to us recently that there are quite a few of our favourite films that offer some valuable life lessons for business. Probably not[...]
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We know, that’s a strong title, but allow us to explain. Unsurprisingly, for a business like ours, the phone is a central, yet unnoticed piece of equipment. We use it, but very rarely do we consider[...]
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Does the annual London Marathon leave you in a state of awe? It’s not just the sheer distance, the determination of the runners, but also the lengths people went to so they could achieve their goals.
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When it comes to running a successful business, it's wise to have a number of different tricks and shortcuts up your sleeve, so that the real meaty problems of efficiency and profit can be dealt with[...]
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Office morale, especially during the gloomy months of January and February, can hit an all-time low and leave your employees in a slump. To rectify the situation, you first have to notice it and in[...]
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It’s fair to say that most professionals nowadays work in an office environment. Whilst our industries differ, office life itself has many similarities, and whether you work for a bank or an[...]
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