Answer4u Call Centre Blog

Check out the latest news and updates, including helpful information regarding telephone answering and call handling, from the Answer4u blog.

Staying Healthy in the Workplace this Winter

Winter can be a challenging season for those of us who have to work through it. The decrease in daylight, the harsh temperatures, and the overwhelming workload leading up to Christmas can all[...]
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The Role of Businesses in Supporting Charities

When it comes to giving to charity there’s always a social responsibility to do what you can, when you can. This is true of individuals but perhaps even more so of businesses. The problem most[...]
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How to Set up a Call Diversion for a BT Landline

Call diversion (often referred to as call forwarding) is an extremely useful telephone feature that business owners can take advantage of instantly. A call divert can be activated on either a[...]
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Customer Service: Pros and Cons of Outsourcing or Delivering In-house

When many companies set up or review their customer service operations they look inwards, assessing cost of service delivery, call volumes, call-to-sale conversion rates and so on – but the most[...]
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Have You Got a Disaster Recovery Plan in Place? Why Every Business Should Have a Plan B!

In modern businesses, where success depends on efficient, uninterrupted communications, a phone line outage can cause major problems. With phones out of action, customers cannot place orders or[...]
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24/7 Call Answering Services Vs Hiring Additional Staff: What’s the Best Call Handling Solution?

When your business is short on staff, or demand for your products or services increases, you may feel that increasing the size of your call handling team is the answer to ensure that enquiries don’t[...]
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4 Circumstances a 24/7 Call Answering Service Is an Ideal Solution for Your Business

Businesses that are committed to outstanding service have to be responsive to their customers’ needs – and that means answering the telephone quickly, at any time of day. Research highlights the[...]
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What’s the Big Deal About Black Friday (and Cyber Monday)?

Hands up if you love a bargain! That’s right. Most of us do. And no bargain hunter can fail to be aware of the biggest dates in the shopping calendar: Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Unless you’re[...]
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How After Hours Call Handling Ensures You Don't Miss Any Enquiries

One of the keys to running a successful business is to create efficient sales and customer support teams. That way, you can make sure that calls to your business are dealt with effectively and[...]
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5 Consequences of Poor Call Handling and How to Avoid Them

If you don't have enough operatives to handle your calls effectively during the working week or you switch your system to voicemail out of hours, your business could suffer the consequences of poor[...]
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